Autism + Strengths = EFFECTIVENESS

Transition.001Today’s employment situation for individuals with autism is in a state of emergency. For a short time, I am offering for FREE my strengths tool to help individuals with autism facing transition. Do you know a student or an adult with autism seeking transition possibilities?

With this online tool, the individual or his teacher/parent advocate will identify strengths and receive vocational options that are in alignment with their strengths. These vocational possibilities are presented in a hierarchy of advanced studies, college/training, certification, high school diploma, self employment, volunteer, and hobbies. These are intended to meet the individual where he is.

Knowing and using one’s strengths are the the only way to be effective in a work setting. Having people around the individual who also knows  his strengths and supports for challenges, means everything! Strengths can set an individual apart from others in a very valuable way. The key is discovering the right path to use strengths in a positive way.

If interested, please send me the email of the individual or the person to be taking the assessment.  I will put the email in my web site, then contact you when you can take the assessment.

I am interested in those individuals who will provide feedback about their experience with the Marquette Strengths and Career Index.

End Note:

I believe I have something unique to bring to the table, a strengths model to support personal preferences and emotional needs, the Capability Approach (CA). Within the CA, I designed the Marquette Strengths and Career Index, a self assessment tool to offer career possibilities that closely match the individual’s identified strengths in hard skill interests, self expression (multiple intelligences), personal preferences, and emotional strengths.

I listened to the voices of hundreds individuals with autism and their advocate/parents about how they found meaning and how they wanted to live their lives. Over three decades of study, my own research, private practice as a consultant through Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, I designed specialized career and life tools to facilitate getting the right job, pursue college, and/or to live interdependently. Additionally, I have a 39 year old son with autism who is an accomplished artist.  I used these strategies to help him create work and have a life he has enjoyed with meaning and purpose. We personally experienced many trials and errors with set backs and progress. My mission is to help people with autism live their adult lives, revolutionizing culture. The purpose is to create a new culture, much different from the past, impacting persons with disabilities from childhood through older adulthood years.

Please offer your comments, because I want to hear them. I spend a lot of time writing. If you like my blog and think it can help other people, please share it.

Thank you for reading blog.

Dr. Jackie Marquette

Autism Consultant, Speaker, Author, and Trainer

(use discount code: Index50)

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