Why We Should Stop Promoting Independence: Autism and Disability

These two great women have influenced my perceptions about many things, including the concept of ‘independence’ surrounding individuals with disabilities.

Independence is bad.001“The myth of the lone individual is a trope, a rhetorical device. In real life no one is self-made; few are truly alone.” Linda Kerber

“We are an Interdependent People. Dependence is not bad–indeed, it is at the heart of both the human and the American experience. It is what makes a community and a democracy.” K. E. Nielson

This is clearly evident. In my qualifying data from my research, private practice, and case studies, many of the individuals were quite dependent upon guidance. Mostly they relied upon support by those who saw in them their brilliance and then helped them move toward their dreams and their goals, if simply to enjoy life and be known or participate as a community member.

I welcome comments.

Dr. Jackie Marquette

Consultant, Speaker, & Author


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